The Weaver
I am Arkane. I have been writing for 8 years from odes to poems to sonnets to short stories. I have dabbled in all forms. I am an avid reader, a passionate soul and a computer junkie. I am called by many names but the best reference to me is; anonymous. I will be curating, editing and managing this blog. I love to help, to teach and to watch people grow so if you have any questions, just ask. Oh and I love purple.
Performance Matters: A Self Motivation of a Programmer
Performance matters. Speed matters. Do it now! Do you really want to use an app that lags and stutters every time you click a button. EVEN IF it has a thousand features? Remember how you'd get frustrated each time Microsoft Office took 10 seconds to load. What about Adobe Photoshop? Firefox?
Life is a Great Adventure or Nothing at All
Life is a Great Adventure or Nothing at All. A mystery that is near but always out of reach. In this short story the author tells the tale of girl who experiences the mystery of life. What is life but a story, one part badly told and the other justly,…
Sadness about Love: A lament of a Broken Heart
Heart break, a sense of loss and depression, the sadness about love has no end.