
18 Ways to get rid of Writing Block: Find new Things to Write when Bored
Boredom is a reality that writers often have to face. It can be a writing gig that is taking too long or perhaps it is that story that you thought about for a long while but now you are at loggerheads with yourself in the middle of it.

How to Write Excellent Sentences: A Guide to Sentences Structure
Sentences are the building block of your writing. If your sentences suck, your whole writing pretty much sucks as well. “But how can I make my sentences better?! It is so difficult and time-consuming!” No it's not! All you need is a little practice.

How to be Good in Essay Writing | 10 Easy Steps
Writing an essay might seem like a daunting task but the kind of freedom you experience is almost impossible to find anywhere else but too much freedom sometimes means no freedom at all. You have huge possibilities to choose from and you are dumbfounded.

How to get rid of writer's block
I always hear people say they have 'writer's block'. I have been writing poetry consistently for almost four years now and I can't say I've ever experienced it. Not in the way that other people have, or mean when they say it, anyway. Do I have periods of time where I write less? Sure! But I don't label it or complain about it, in my head or to anyone else.

The Art of Storytelling: 12 steps of the Hero's Journey
Stories are born in and around us. They shape our lives and transform us. They give meaning to the meaningless, the unknown, and the dark. We are all connected with stories. As a writer it is very important to have a good grasp of the art of storytelling.

12 Simple Examples of Metaphors with Explanation
Metaphors are everywhere; in literature, visual arts, poetry, and films. Language, in a way, itself is a metaphor. But try to make one on the fly, and you will find out it is not easy. Creating good metaphor requires ingenuity and care. A small mistake can make a metaphor clumsy.

The Metaphorical Meaning of Day & Night: Examples of Metaphors in Literature
The use of day & night as metaphors is so common in art and literature. They are so obvious and ordinary that we don't even notice them. But if you look closer, there are layers upon layers of complexities of meanings and emotions hidden in them

Darth Vader to Joker: The Best Villains of All Time
What makes a fascinating and intriguing evil character? In other words a perfect villain. Great characters grow and evolve with the story adding a refreshing touch to our tales. Each chapter adds more depth to their personality and background. From Darth Vader's mysterious character to Joker's cunning, we see writers…

14 Common Grammer Mistakes: Best Practices in Correcting Grammar Sentences
We all make mistakes; no one is perfect. What will set you apart is your ability to identify and fix those mistakes. As writers, we make the most mistakes; our pieces are filled with grammatical errors, plot holes, contradictions, and wrong words. The essence is in not giving up.

Relationship Between Religion and Art: Religion in Art
The separation of Art and Religion in our minds is like the separation of the church and the State. Politics, however, is very a different creature. Where art is an organic living thing, politics is a mechanistic process. Art finds worth in emotions, beliefs, ideas, and cultures - it feels, laughs, cries, and believes. That is why religion in art finds an expression no matter how much someone tries to hide it. Religion is an integral part of art just as every human emotion, belief and philosophy and idea is part of art.