
Chapter 3: A Call of the Forest
"He was on a dear hunt in a grove near the forest. He caught sight of a beautiful doe with her child. The doe strangely left the grove and began running towards the forest. The King pursued it with his retainers behind him. The doe was fast — too fast."

Chapter 2: A Call of the Forest
The goon on the left held a sword. He swung it at Ghal. Ghal swiftly sidestepped and hit him in the arm with full force. The man cried and let go of the blade. Ghal was deft enough to catch it and chop off the offender's head. In a split second, he had it thrust into the stomach of the last attacker.

Chromatic Progressional Depression: What If Every Colour in the World is Gone?
It disappeared slowly, the colors. They melted and blended into one another. The first one to go was red; she was fiery and youthful, spitting anger in every word she spoke.

Chapter 1: A Call of the Forest
Sanidar gave the sword one last look before placing it on the rack between the massive broadsword and the chest plate. He was exhausted, but the sword was complete at last. It had taken him weeks to forge it — melting raw iron ore and pouring it into ingots. Then came the long, excruciating task of annealing and hammering it into shape.

Can Art Really Free Us?: Art is Expression of Freedom
Let’s say you’re a human sitting beside a fire in a cave, 17000 years ago. You hear your tribe talking about today’s hunt – the number of deer caught is decreasing each passing day, they’re considering relocating to higher ground, perhaps they will find more reindeer there. In that moment, would it occur to you to draw your memories of the hunt on a cave wall?

Prologue: A Call of the Forest
Everybody was wet and cold — very cold which was strange in this temperate land. But the rain was relentless and it had been falling for weeks. So far it showed no signs of ceasing. Every hut in the village had become a stream now. Only the Chief's Hut had remained. The hut was built on an ancient tree...

14 Common Grammer Mistakes: Best Practices in Correcting Grammar Sentences
We all make mistakes; no one is perfect. What will set you apart is your ability to identify and fix those mistakes. As writers, we make the most mistakes; our pieces are filled with grammatical errors, plot holes, contradictions, and wrong words. The essence is in not giving up.

Relationship Between Religion and Art: Religion in Art
The separation of Art and Religion in our minds is like the separation of the church and the State. Politics, however, is very a different creature. Where art is an organic living thing, politics is a mechanistic process. Art finds worth in emotions, beliefs, ideas, and cultures - it feels, laughs, cries, and believes. That is why religion in art finds an expression no matter how much someone tries to hide it. Religion is an integral part of art just as every human emotion, belief and philosophy and idea is part of art.

11 Brilliant Ideas on How to overcome Writer's Block
For various reasons, the writer's block has been the most hated enemy among writers. You sit down to write but nothing comes out. You sit there staring at the blank page for hours, days, or even months. The right words, the right idea, the right passion always evades you. Welcome to writer's block.