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Magical Realism

Book Review: Kafka on the Shore By Haruki Murakami

Every one of us has had to show strength at some point in our lives because of trials or adversities we have encountered. It's not just about physical strength, but mental, emotional, and spiritual strength as well.

Book Review: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Imagine one morning, you wake up and find out that you have metamorphosed into a filthy cockroach or a bug or a unicorn (now that would be something from a Barbie fantasy tale), or maybe a dragon, who bleats like a goat with asthma (that would be a glitch in…

The Wonderful Stories of Haruki Murakami: Short Stories and Novels You Must Read

Talking cats and monkeys, lost and peculiar characters, jam-packed bars and cafes, non-stop classical and jazz music, abandoned locations, endless train stations of Japan, never-ending loneliness and existential conundrums, unforgiving religious cults, and secret realms, and much more...

Book Reviews