
Book Review: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Imagine one morning, you wake up and find out that you have metamorphosed into a filthy cockroach or a bug or a unicorn (now that would be something from a Barbie fantasy tale), or maybe a dragon, who bleats like a goat with asthma (that would be a glitch in…

What Is True Beauty
Beauty is all around us. It affects us, nurtures us, lives in us and without us. It imbues things with life and it makes life wonderful. But what is true beauty? Is it the tinge of orange in red dawn? Or the early bloom of flowers or is it spring…

Can Art Really Free Us?: Art is Expression of Freedom
Let’s say you’re a human sitting beside a fire in a cave, 17000 years ago. You hear your tribe talking about today’s hunt – the number of deer caught is decreasing each passing day, they’re considering relocating to higher ground, perhaps they will find more reindeer there. In that moment, would it occur to you to draw your memories of the hunt on a cave wall?

Relationship Between Religion and Art: Religion in Art
The separation of Art and Religion in our minds is like the separation of the church and the State. Politics, however, is very a different creature. Where art is an organic living thing, politics is a mechanistic process. Art finds worth in emotions, beliefs, ideas, and cultures - it feels, laughs, cries, and believes. That is why religion in art finds an expression no matter how much someone tries to hide it. Religion is an integral part of art just as every human emotion, belief and philosophy and idea is part of art.