60 Most Thought Provoking Sci-Fi Quotes
A touch of Science Fiction (Sci-fi) in our otherwise (mostly) boring lives is one way to liven things up. From Ray Bradbury to Heinlein and H.G. Wells, here are some 60 sci-fi quotes that are sure to provoke your inner creative!
Top 25 Ideas for Short Story
Sometimes you want to write a story. You have energy, motivation, the right frame of mind, but the right idea for short story or the right topic remains out of your reach. You get stuck in a state where you are throwing the net in your sub-consciousness and trying to…
10 Minutes - Science Fiction Stories Short
Memories were supposed to last forever. Even when the moment had long passed and the tears had long dried. Even when the jokes were long said and laughter had long faded. But fate had dealt me with a cruel hand. It had left me with a fragment of my soul.