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69 Orignal Writing Prompt Examples

Sometimes we get into a strange conundrum. We have all the energy in the world to write but no idea what to write about. No matter how hard we try we can't get our minds to come up with something. If you are in such a situation a unique and…

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Fall Asleep Faster: 10 Tips to help you sleep better

We sleep less, we yawn all day. We sleep more, we miss important things in life. How to fall asleep faster and have a good long sleep so that we have time for things that we love?

Performance Matters: A Self Motivation of a Programmer

Performance matters. Speed matters. Do it now! Do you really want to use an app that lags and stutters every time you click a button. EVEN IF it has a thousand features? Remember how you'd get frustrated each time Microsoft Office took 10 seconds to load. What about Adobe Photoshop? Firefox?

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