
Importance of Great Poetry
There was a time when poetry played a central role in our civilization and culture. Today it has taken the backstage. It occupies an obscure corner in our society. No one knows the foremost poets of today. The classics still have their audience and their aura of mysteriousness and attraction…

Knowledge and Contemporary Skepticism: Modern Trends and their Dilemma
To know is to better yourself. But what is it to know? Is sensing something the same as knowing it or does knowing depends on something more profound? From the days of antiquity and even earlier man has been asking similar questions and trying to answer them. A consensus has…

How to Start Blogging When You Have no Audience
Introduction Talking in an empty Hall is an interesting experience. Your voice is echoed back to you and produces a feeling in you proportional to your delivery, mood, and self-esteem. Writing without an audience is quite similar to that experience. You write and hear back your own words when you…

How to Improve on Writing Skills: Building a Writing Habit
Writing is a wonderful form of self-expression. It has almost infinite flexibility. You have time to think and rethink, write and rewrite what you want to say. However, a conversation is never like that. It is direct and spontaneous and what you say is unchangeable. Words from a tongue are…

Meaning from Context: The Importance of Meaning
What is the end goal of humans? Pleasure? Is that all we want? No, we want more. We want to conquer ourselves. We want to conquer everything that the eyes see, the ears hear and the mind thinks. Every idea, every imagination possible. We want to conquer the world. We…

An Bewildering Take on What Is the Meaning Of Life: My Life Search For Meaning
In search of meaning, I go through this desert of meaninglessness. In search of meaning, I leave the pleasures of this hedonistic palm grove. I go far and wide in this search. I pass through cities; inhabited and abandoned. I pass through ruins, forests, and jungles. I cross mighty rivers…

Creative Ideas And Poetry: Where do Good Ideas Come From?
I regularly write poetry. Sometimes the ideas come like a blazing fire, sometimes like meteors; sudden miracles that vanish as quickly as they appear. Sometimes they are like a flowing stream; slow, continuous, and never-ending. But always there is something new. A new valley of thoughts, a new stream of…

A Disgusting Truth About the Rule of Majority: An Argument Against Democracy
Democracy is the rule of the mob, from top to bottom. No doubt that it is not depicted as such but when you go into its subtilities it is nonetheless nothing but mob rule. It is said that democracy is run by the opinion of the people, by their freedom,…

How I Started Blogging: My Creative Writing Journey
I have been reading books for the past 10 years. Three months ago, I started writing. I thought it will be a piece of cake. I googled some articles, opened my notepad, and typed a title. For a very long time, I kept staring at my screen. Then I started…

10 Proven Ways to Develop a Unique Writer's Style
A writer's style is his identity. It is your signature. It distinguishes your writing from others. It defines you in the eyes of your readers. Without it, your writing is a lifeless husk, disjointed and passionless. Style makes your writing memorable. But how to develop a writing style? Here are…