26 Quotes About Love – Rumi
Love transcends all boundaries. It is within us and without. It connects us to the beyond and brings the beyond within us. We all crave for some kind of love. We are born from love, we seek it through out our lives, we are broken and mended by it and…

How To Write a Script For a TV Show
It requires a script to transform ideas into a story. It is the base on which everything depends and it is the seed that fires the imagination to create a TV or cinematic experience. So how to write a script for a TV show or a film that is worth…

4 Authentic Ways to Find the Meaning of Gratefulness
Gratitude amplifies our enjoyment and dampens out pains and miseries we experience. Here is a short guide to help you find the meaning of gratefulness.

76 Life Changing Quotes About Gratitude
We all need some gratitude. A more grateful heart can enjoy this life more and live a more fulfilling life. Here are some great quotes about being grateful in life.

100+ Inspirational 3 Word Quotes
We don't need always need long articles or books. Sometimes even a few words can inspire us. Here are more than a hundred inspirational 3 word quotes to inspire

36 Quotes On Rain
For some each drop of rain is unique and different and yet for others, all rain is the same.
Here are a few quotes about rain that I hope you will enjoy.

85 Quotes About Love From Books
We may not believe in true love, we may not believe in love at all yet we all need it.
Here are some beautiful famous quotes about love and what it means to us.

35 Fun Quotes About Enjoying Life
life plays with us. Sometimes it makes fun of us and sometimes life itself becomes funny. Here are a few fun quotes about life to make you smile.

8 Negative Behaviors Examples That Affect Your Mental Health
Negative Behaviors or Bad habits can have an adverse effect on your mental health. You probably already know that bad habits are detrimental to your life but they can also be the cause of anxiety, depression, and anger. Here are a few common negative behaviors examples that can ruin your…

Living My Dream: What Should I Be Doing with My Life
Are you stuck in a situation where nothing special is going on and you ask yourself everyday what should I be doing with my life to live my dreams?