
Art and Society :Role of Artist in Society
Introduction Art and work are on the opposite spectrum of life. Art is moody, vague, unreal, and mysterious like a woman. Work is clear cut, hard and fact based like a man. Can these opposites work together? Can they live in one heart? That is a difficult question. When opposites…

Relationship Between Books and Cinema: Movies About Literature
Films and literature grew and assembled together in record time, two wonderful forms of art blended together, and now, in the 21st century, the tie between the two is stronger than ever.

Dear Young Poet: A Poem
On the eve of the Election Day - Nov 2, 2020 - I wrote my first poem and opened this Instagram account. Not only did I admire the work I read but many of these pieces were written by young poets I wanted to uplift and inspire. I’m grateful every single day for all the lessons that brought me to today. I’m not sure I’d be as grateful had the journey been a simple one. Thank you Streetwriters for all you do in our community. We love you!

The Magic of Words
I have been raptured by the magic of words. Their harmonies sing within the teal seas, paralleling life beyond my reach. I float among them, my hand raised before me. Fingers open, the airway fills the gaps, the source of my euphoria.

The Rise of Bad Poetry: Why is Good Poetry So Rare Today?
The classics still have their audience, their aura of mystery and attraction but poetry as a living mode of expression for our cultural experience has died. Poetry is dead and we all have been its murderers in our own way.

How to Understand a Poem or a Painting
When we look at a piece of art, a poem or a book, different feelings flow into our hearts such as love, reverence, awe, irritation, disgust, or outright hatred. What causes these feelings are myriads of meanings, memories, associations, and similar things that we experience in our lives. They give the meaning of art its profundity and complexity.

Can Art Really Free Us?: Art is Expression of Freedom
Let’s say you’re a human sitting beside a fire in a cave, 17000 years ago. You hear your tribe talking about today’s hunt – the number of deer caught is decreasing each passing day, they’re considering relocating to higher ground, perhaps they will find more reindeer there. In that moment, would it occur to you to draw your memories of the hunt on a cave wall?

80 Beautiful Quotes about Art to Inspire the Artist in You
Every artist, beginner or professional, needs a little boost in their inspiration to overcome artist's block or, perhaps, just get some motivation. Here's a list of 80 quotes about art from famous artists, from Picasso to Pike, from painters to philosophers, from writers to poets. Enjoy!

The Metaphorical Meaning of Day & Night: Examples of Metaphors in Literature
The use of day & night as metaphors is so common in art and literature. They are so obvious and ordinary that we don't even notice them. But if you look closer, there are layers upon layers of complexities of meanings and emotions hidden in them